2020: Generation 10

Posted on diciembre, 22 2020

Generation 10 has also become a space for many young people who so far are understanding the challenges we face.
Orasi Montenegro is a young Colombian from the city of Santa Marta and the founder of an enterprise that seeks to give amber plastic bottles a second use. Together with his partners at Mi Mangle Verde, he transforms them into brooms and cleaning brushes, seeking to reuse a material that he says is not used in other plastic recovery processes. Orasi is one of more than 11,700 participants of Generation 10, the youth network that we created this year to connect young people from all over Latin America, under the leadership of WWF Colombia, to scale up the solutions they have developed to maintain life on the planet.
But it is not only about entrepreneurs associated with environmental initiatives. Generation 10 has also become a space for many young people to begin understanding the challenges we face. For example, Andrea Fuentes explains, "Wow! I didn't know about The Pantanal and was fascinated by the idea of one day going to see it and experience it. We have such a great responsibility toward ourselves and our planet, and obtaining information and becoming involved with it is key." This is one of the thousands of comments posted on the online course Together Possible, which we made available to all Generation 10 participants and where there are currently 2,850 students learning.
Lady Ramos is one of them.  She joined Generation 10 aiming to become an environmental leader and shared her insights with the other students in the course, "I'll start asking myself those questions with the things I use at home: is it totally necessary? or can I replace it with something else?" To catalyze these everyday behavioral changes and the projects led by the network’s participants, we created #1millionactions, a digital initiative that seeks to highlight actions on social media for humanity and a healthy planet. Using this hashtag, we amplified what these young people are doing and motivated others to replicate actions.
Considering that Latin America currently has the highest proportion of young people in history, Generation 10 is one of WWF's big bets to help realize the 2030 Agenda. We have 10 years left and more than 10,000 young people enthusiastically doing their part, accessing opportunities and knowledge. They are a strong driver of change.
Generation 10
© WWF-Colombia