Moment of transformation

Transformation is an increasingly necessary action for every organization and a catalyst for opportunities. 2022 marked our roadmap and will remain an unalterable objective in our commitment to the well-being of people and nature.

During 2022, our transformation aimed at renewing our strategic framework and structurally strengthening our position as an innovative, relevant, and efficient organization. It also left unprecedented transformations in the country, such as putting the environment at the center of the agenda. And the farewell could not have been better: 2022 gave the planet the promise of an imminent transformation for the protection of biodiversity, enshrined in a global agreement outlining ambitious goals for 2030, signed in Montreal on December 19.

A pleasant and challenging year, which brought us together in person at the Panda Convention, where we reaffirmed the spirit of collaboration that represents us and built together the objectives for the coming years so that together with our allies, public, private and community partners and society in general, we can continue to build a new pact that considers people and nature. This was definitely a space to connect with the work teams and align us with global efforts to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, build fairer and more equitable societies, empower, and activate citizen mobilization, and promote inclusive and low-carbon economic transformations.

The contribution of our team and a sum of efforts with different actors during 2022, led the country to surpass the global 30x30 goal by creating and expanding marine and oceanic protected areas. We also celebrated the ratification of the commitment of the National Government and organizations allied with Herencia Colombia, to guarantee the long-term financing of conservation for 245MUSD.

We helped to consolidate peace with nature and repair the relationship of many people with it, from the ancestral communities in the confines of the Amazon, to the fishermen of the Orinoquia, the Afro communities of the Pacific and the peasants of the Andean zone.
We reach more places in the national territory with conservation initiatives, territorial governance, fisheries management, and sustainable use of forests to inspire productive projects with nature at their core.

We connect children and young people with biodiversity through playful educational strategies and the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills. We turned off the lights for the planet and carried out our first sports and recreational experience to pedal for biodiversity.  

We designed an ambitious advocacy strategy that contributed to the ratification of the Escazú Agreement, to support the regulation of the law that will eliminate certain single-use plastics in the country, and to make the construction of a global treaty to end plastic pollution a reality.

Today we know that we are an organization recognized by opinion leaders and that Colombians have a strong interest in preserving natural areas and protecting water resources, as confirmed by a Figures and Concepts survey. We have been working with the media to generate technical information, generating more than 2,300 mentions, which is equivalent to almost 7 mentions per day. And, undoubtedly, we are becoming a digital organization, with products and content of value for different audiences, and with the support of a community that exceeds 316 thousand people. To achieve all this, the support of Team Panda has been fundamental. This group of digital content creators, which accompanies the environmental cause and proudly promotes the actions of the organization, has amplified our message on multiple platforms, with a reach of 13 million people.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to the more than 2,400 people and more than 40 companies committed with their donations and with our cause of natural resource conservation. Their contribution is the driving force behind many of the conservation projects we lead. We would also like to thank our more than 25 public and private sector partners, who work with us to promote an environmental culture and respect for biodiversity.  

And to our team, a panda hug. The challenges of 2023 will be as demanding as they are rewarding. Every opportunity that opens up with this transformation that we are building is the result of the dedicated and responsible work that we enjoy every day, and that leaves us with important achievements such as those presented in this document.

We invite you to explore it, to share it with pride, and to inspire action to live in harmony with the planet. These milestones show that we are on the right track and that we can still do more. If we work together, it is possible.  

- Sandra Valenzuela Executive Director

© WWF Colombia


During 2022, our efforts, achievements and commitments were guided by the Strategic Framework 2021 - 2030 and implemented under a national, regional, citizen mobilization and organizational development approach. ​ ​

We know that we still have much to do, and we want to continue on this path hand in hand with our allies, partners, donors and communities, who have generously shared their experience and wisdom with us. ​

​ These achievements confirm that the best way to transform our country is by involving peasant, indigenous and Afro communities and citizens in general. The results we share today fill us with enthusiasm to begin a new year and move forward together in our purpose of ensuring that more Colombians live in harmony with nature. ​

© Luis Barreto / WWF

© Alianza por el Acuerdo de Escazú

Ratification of Escazú: a victory for environmental leaders

Our work in 2022 was decisive for the consolidation and strengthening of the Alliance for the Escazú Agreement, which includes 8 other civil organizations, universities and think tanks*. ​ ​

For more than two years we carried out an advocacy strategy through educational material, technical advice and citizen mobilization, which was decisive for the ratification of this agreement. ​ ​

This is a great environmental victory for the country, which strengthens democracy and justice in environmental matters, pressing needs for Colombia, one of the countries with one of the highest rates of crimes against environmental leaders. At WWF, our work continues to contribute to the regulation and implementation of this law.



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*Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Universidad del Rosario; the organization Ambiente y Sociedad; the Environmental and Public Health Legal Clinic of the Universidad de los Andes; the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense; the legal and social studies center Dejusticia; the Network for Environmental Justice in Colombia; the Network for the Rights of Access, Information and Justice in Environmental Matters; and the Legal Clinic of the Law School of the Universidad de Medellín.

© Esteban Vega La-Rotta

A country and a planet free of plastic pollution

Every year, more than 11 million tons of plastic enter the oceans and only 9% of this material, on average, is recycled worldwide. Faced with this transnational problem, with local effects, WWF Colombia proposed the need to mobilize governments, companies and civil society to initiate the creation of a global treaty to end plastic pollution, which became a reality in 2022. ​ ​ ​ ​

Colombia, in addition to being a member of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution, contributed as a co-sponsor of the proposed UNEA Resolution 5/14, through which the creation of the treaty was adopted in March 2022, during the United Nations Environment Assembly, in order to ensure the elimination of plastic pollution by 2040. ​

​ At the national level, WWF's advocacy strategy contributed to the formulation of the National Plan for the Sustainable Management of Single-Use Plastics and supports the regulation of the law that will eliminate certain single-use plastics, approved in June 2022. ​

© Days Edge

Herencia Colombia, guaranteeing long-term financing for conservation

On June 23, 2022, the National Government, together with WWF Colombia and several public and private sector partners*, ratified our commitment to the long-term conservation of the country's protected areas by signing a joint declaration to support the Colombia National Heritage Program (HECO for its Spanish acronym) and its financial mechanism.​ ​

This program secures $245 million in public and private funding to conserve marine and terrestrial protected areas in four priority landscapes: the Amazon, the Orinoco Transition, the Caribbean and the Central Andes. ​


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​ WWF recognizes the efforts of its partners: Andes Amazon Fund, Bezos Earth Fund, Becht Family Charitable Trust, Blue Nature Alliance, Bobolink Foundation, Bobolink Foundation, Carmen Busquets, Conservation International, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Enduring Earth, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Government of Colombia, Global Environment Facility, Inter-American Development Bank, Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW, Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, National Natural Parks, Patrimonio Natural, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy, Tammy and Bill Crown, The Nature Conservancy, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Bank, Wyss Foundation and ZOMALAB.

© Simón de Man/ WWF Colombia

Promote the sustainable use of forests and the economic wellbeing of the community

For more than three years, WWF Colombia has been working with community organizations to develop businesses that protect forests while benefiting the community's economy*. Community forestry allows people to use forests in a sustainable way, understanding the volumes and timber species that can be extracted. ​ ​


During 2022, together with the technical team of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development's forestry department and the environmental corporations of each region, we managed to ensure that four forest nuclei with a high deforestation rate in different areas of the country - Santander, Antioquia, North Pacific and Cauca - have forest management plans and harvesting permits so that their community-based enterprises can implement an economy based on nature. Today, these organizations benefit more than 150 families, and the local communities are committed to conserving 4,286 hectares of forest.


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*Within the framework of the Strengthening Forest Governance in Colombia project of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, financed by the Sustainable Colombia Fund with resources from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). In addition to the creation of Asobogua, the Forest Governance project supported four other forestry companies in the country: the Association of Sustainable Agrosilvopastoral Producers of Abibe (Asproabibe), in the municipality of San José de Apartadó; the Ecoserranía Association and Community Timber Producers (Procomad), in the municipality of Segovia; and the Agroforestry Association of Chucurí (ASAFCH), in Santander. All of these territories were chosen for their high deforestation rates.​

© Jhonattan Vanegas - Keeping Nature

This is one of the most biodiverse landscapes on the planet that combines coastal ecosystems, freshwater, rainforests, high Andean forests, moorlands and deserts. Colombia is one of the few countries with the privilege of having two coasts and almost half of its territory occupied by marine environments.

© León Jiménez/ Altano Project

© WWF Colombia

Colombia, one of the first countries to meet its conservation goal in marine areas by 2030

This year we contributed with technical, financial, social dialogue and sectoral elements for the declaration of marine protected areas, which contribute to the advancement of the 30x30 global goal, which seeks to protect and conserve at least 30% of the planet by 2030.​ ​

Thanks to our work and that of our partner organizations, we have added more than 17 million hectares to the National System of Protected Areas (SINAP for its Spanish acronym), thus protecting 36% of the country's marine surface.​ ​

  • Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary of the Yurupari-Malpelo National District of Integrated Management.​
  • Declaration of the Colinas y Lomas Submarinas de la Cuenca Pacífico Norte National District of Integrated Management.​
  • Expansion of the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary.​
  • Declaration of the Natural Reserve of the Cordillera Beata National Park System. ​


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The announcement made by the Government of Colombia shows concrete actions for the conservation of the oceans, within the framework of: the Leaders for Nature Commitment, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, the Global Ocean Alliance, and the fulfillment of the announcement made by President Duque during the COP26 on Climate Change, in Glasgow (United Kingdom), to achieve the protection of 30% of its marine territory by 2022, eight years earlier than agreed

© WWF Colombia


Chocó-Darién, communities impacted by illegal gold mining and forest extraction.​ ​

In order to mitigate the impact of illegal mining activities, overexploitation of forest and fishing resources, and deforestation in at least 150,000 hectares, we strengthened seven community councils - Litoral del San Juan, Iscuandé and the Sanquianga-Gorgona subregion, Los Delfines, Los Riscales, Cocomaupa and Cocomacia, through which ethnic development plans were formulated for the adoption of climate adaptation measures and improvements to governance schemes*. ​

We also promoted the adoption of responsible fishing practices through resolutions issued by the National Aquaculture and Fishing Authority (AUNAP for its Spanish acronym), and agreements with artisanal fishermen in the National Natural Parks - Los Katíos and Utría, which benefit the livelihoods of 115 fishing families. ​


In alliance with Fundación Natura, we conducted the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services (VISE for its Spanish acronym) in four Mosaics of Use and Conservation of Biodiversity (MUCB for its Spanish acronym) in which the GEF Pacific Biocultural project is working.


The largest tropical forest on the planet, a unique, irreplaceable and vital ecosystem for the well-being of human beings as it helps stabilize the climate, the hydrological cycle and sustains the planet's food security.

© Luis Barreto/ WWF-UK

© Luis Barreto/ WWF Colombia

Indigenous governance in the heart of the Amazon - La Chorrera

Together with indigenous communities, we developed participatory methodologies for the preparation of the Environmental and Territorial Management Plan led by the Zonal Indigenous Association of Cabildos and Traditional Authorities of La Chorrera (AZICATCH), organized in 22 cabildos, with the purpose of achieving a management plan for approximately 1'620,000 hectares, which correspond to about 28% of the largest indigenous reservation in the country, Land Putumayo, and is based on the traditional knowledge of their communities. ​ ​


Its implementation seeks to recover and strengthen cultural traditions that have been losing strength in the communities and to make visible the role of the traditional environmental authorities in the management of the territory and revitalize traditional indigenous knowledge. ​

© Luis Barreto/ WWF Colombia

Fair Deals Guide for Community Benefit in the Voluntary Carbon Market

Local communities in the Amazon expressed their interest in understanding voluntary carbon market mechanisms and recurrently requested an improvement in REDD+* project agreements, in terms of governance, participation, temporality, legal commitments and benefit sharing. ​ ​


Together with the National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC for its Spanish acronym), we conducted research focused on dialogues with expert community actors in the construction of a database, performance and financial analysis of the projects being carried out in the region.​ ​


The results of this study were reflected in the 'Fair Deal Guide' made by WWF Colombia and launched during COP27. ​ ​

In view of the risks identified in the study, the guide proposes avoiding the following: ​ ​

  • Long-term rigid contractual frameworks.
  • ​ Scams associated with the sale of other gases. ​
  • The offer of projects that are not feasible due to the area of the property. ​
  • Proposals to change land ownership or usufruct capacity. ​
  • Clauses prohibiting indigenous peoples. ​
  • Unjust distribution of benefits.
  • ​ Resources not invested in the territory. ​


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* Reduced emissions from avoided deforestation and degradation.

© Jorge García / Fundación Omacha

The Peace Agreement is also with nature

We know that conservation is only possible when working hand in hand with the communities; therefore, it must be consolidated in territories affected by violence/conflict as a way to generate well-being and better opportunities. ​ ​


During 2022 we will work continuously contributing to the implementation of the Peace Agreement in the Amazon and its transition with the Orinoquia through an inclusive and sustainable territorial development model. ​ ​


This incorporates mechanisms for dialogue and resolution of socio-environmental conflicts, through the implementation of agreements at different levels (land, collective and institutional), capacity building and commercial support for sustainable productive alternatives that improve the quality of life of rural communities, while contributing to territorial environmental management.​ ​

These processes involve the participation of local communities, officials from environmental and agrarian authorities, as well as representatives of grassroots organizations in order to build and develop productive alternatives based on the needs and proposals of the communities and the ecological conditions of the territory. ​ ​

We also supported the strengthening of business skills in seven productive initiatives of peasant communities and signatories of the Peace Agreement. ​


  • 181 land planning exercises to enable farming families to organize their land in a sustainable manner, together with local organizations such as Cordespa and professional CTAs (Worker Cooperatives).

  • Strengthening of 53 agreements with families in Alto Fragua Indi Wasi, Pichachos, Tinigua and Macarena National Parks, supported by Colombia's National Natural Parks, local partners such as Cordespa and organizations such as SERPAZ Café, CTA, ASPROMACARENA.​ ​

  • Support in the expansion process of the El Pato - Balsillas Campesino Reserve Zone in San Vicente del Caguán in Caquetá (64,640 additional hectares), together with the Municipal Association of Colonos del Pato (AMCOP for its Spanish acronym).

  • Signing of 4 collective agreements with cocoa growers' associations in Caquetá, which years ago changed their coca crops for cocoa in the area of influence of the Alto Fragua Indi Wasi National Natural Park, together with ASPROABELÉN and ASOACASÁN.​



Diverse ecosystems of extensive savannahs and wetlands that hold an enormous cultural, natural and food wealth for all Colombians.

© Jorge García / Fundación Omacha

© @camilodiazphotography / WWF Colombia

New fishery regulation based on participatory approaches​

Our advocacy work with the fisheries authority “Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca (AUNAP for its Spanish acronym)”, the environmental authority CDA*, added to the research and monitoring contribution of local communities** in the Ramsar sites of the Orinoquia, is an example of how the sum of efforts brings great results. ​ ​


This work, for several years, was guided by the criteria of AUNAP and was decisive for the adoption of two important resolutions in the Estrella Fluvial Inírida and the Bita River:​ ​

  • Resolution 2363 of November 9, 2022, that regulates and zones fishing activities, establishing management measures for consumption and ornamental fishery resources in the departments of Vichada, Guainía, Arauca, Casanare, Meta and Guaviare. ​
  • Resolution 2877 of November 30, 2022, establishes the regulation of fishing activities in the Bita River Basin in the department of Vichada. ​

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Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Northern and Eastern Amazon​ ​

** Developed under the coordination of the Omacha Foundation.​ We also highlight the support of the Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement - TFCA, the GEF Orinoquia project, and the GEF Heart of the Amazon project.


It is the most populated region in the country, and therefore has the greatest demand for biodiversity and its ecosystem services. It encompasses 878* protected areas between public and private.

© Wilson Cepeda

© WWF Colombia

United for climate action in Antioquia

As a result of the State of Climate Emergency declared in Antioquia in 2020, together with the Governor's Office of this department, we created the 'United for the Planet Alliance', with the purpose of addressing the climate crisis and promoting environmental sustainability.​ ​


As a result, 100 official alliances were created with the public and private sectors, academia and civil society organizations*, who committed to articulate their goals to achieve greater results in the circular economy and strengthen technical capacities in environmental issues in 96 municipalities of Antioquia*.​ ​

We also managed the First International Convention on Climate Emergency, to draw roadmaps that will help Antioquia move towards a Carbon Neutral department by 2050.


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*Representatives of municipalities, environmental authorities and entrepreneurs have joined together around resilient and regenerative agriculture, transportation, livestock, new economies, mining, construction, manufacturing and energy.

© WWF Colombia

Water governance, restoration, best practices and connectivity

En alianza con los sectores productivos de banano y café, logramos constituir el proyecto restauración de microcuencas Guandusaca y Palmichal en Ciénaga Magdalena, a través de 11 acuerdos voluntarios de conservación:

  • 37 héctareas restauradas.

  • Más de 70 hectáreas en conservación.

  • Más de 4.500 árboles sembrados.

También fortalecimos el trabajo colectivo con las comunidades indígenas y los sectores productivos de café, palma y banano, que conectan la sierra con la ciénaga, en mesas de diálogos sectoriales y multisectoriales para la gestión del agua en las cuencas de la región.



Sectors involved: ​ Banana: Foundation Uniban, Fundeban, Asbama, Foundation Banasan, Augura, CI Técnicas, Baltime de Colombia - Tecbaco, Grupo Agrovid, Asocoomag. ​ Palm: Fedepalma, Cenipalma, Palmaceite - Aceites, C.I Tequendama. ​ Coffee: Coffee Growers Committee of the Department of Magdalena, Ecolsierra Network, Coocafe, Asoprosierra. ​ Authorities or resource managers: Corpamag, Asosevilla irrigation district, Asorifrío irrigation district. ​ Other cooperating partners or thematic guests: GSI - LAC, Creer and IDH: Covenants Production, protection and inclusion PPI, FAO - Sustainable Landscapes Project - Herencia Colombia, Dutch Consortium – Resilience: Integrated River Basin Management Project in the Magdalena Region through a Monitoring Tool for the Frio and Sevilla River Basins, Agrosavia - Caribia Research Center, Invemar, University of Magdalena

© Jhon Alexis Franco-Padilla

An alliance for the conservation of biodiversity in the Andes

Since 2018 we have developed, together with ISAGEN and Parques Nacionales de Colombia, a strategy that seeks to strengthen the effective management of protected areas and governance schemes for environmental management in the territories of three river basins in the Andean landscape.​


 Thanks to this alliance, during 2022, in Las Hermosas Gloria Valencia de Castaño, Selva de Florencia and Serranía de los Yariguíes national parks, the inclusion of climate variables and conservation agriculture in the implementation of compensation schemes was achieved; the qualification of community actors for the monitoring of water resources and biodiversity, and an increase of 30% (average) in the percentage of visibility with prevention actions, surveillance and participatory monitoring and restoration strategies. ​


The lifestyles of people on the planet are crucial to the conservation of nature. This is why throughout 2022 we are looking for ways to expand the impact and reach of our message through opinion leaders and different ideas that will guide more conscious and environmentally responsible decision making.

© WWF Colombia

© WWF Colombia

WWF expands its outreach and strengthens the environmental capacities of Colombian society

We joined with young adults to build a generation that is more conscious and responsible with nature, through the Generation 10 digital platform, with which we provided them with educational tools that led them to apply different sustainability criteria in their business decision-making. 

We reach out to children through Sabiduría Salvaje, the country's most important biodiversity contest, which seeks to strengthen knowledge on topics related to the environment and nature in public and private schools. Additionally, this contest gives them the opportunity to interact with other children committed to action and sustainability at a national and global level*. 

​ To complement our action around nature by promoting the rights, inclusion and reduction of climate vulnerability of children, youth and migrants in Colombia, we joined Save the Children to ensure that conditions are created for them to live in harmony with nature. ​ ​

We also created, together with the Bucaramanga Mayor's Office, the first environmental education laboratory in the country, 'AmaBucaramanga', an initiative to involve citizens in developing concrete actions that have a positive impact on the planet and to be an active part in solving problems such as waste management, food waste and plastic pollution. ​ 


* We thank our main allies: Jet Chocolates, Jaime Duque Park and Latam Airlines and our main collaborators: Government of Antioquia and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. 

© Esteban Vega La-Rotta/ WWF Colombia

Our message spreads to empower millions of voices around conservation

We have multiplied our message around issues such as Earth Hour, sustainable consumption and the Escazú Agreement, thanks to the immense creativity of our team of 35 opinion leaders committed to nature conservation, who have an average of 13 million followers on their social networks. Among this group of influencers are nature photographers, travel bloggers, journalists, activists, actors, musicians, chefs, athletes and artists. ​ ​

We also carried out the Travesía Panda, our first fundraising event that united sport with nature, through which we involved more than 300 participants, reinforcing our message around environmental care and people's wellbeing.

© Esteban Vega La-Rotta/ WWF Colombia

A new way of understanding the relationship between food and nature

'The True Value of Food' was our campaign of the year, to generate awareness about how much it costs the Earth to produce food and how we can have a #WasteFree life.​ ​ We were present in digital channels and in ten cities, through activations, billboards and bus stops. ​ ​

We also reached out to the food production and distribution sectors. We created the Sustainable Sourcing Guide, a tool with which companies, restaurants, hotels, supermarket franchises and other businesses in the food industry can learn how to implement more sustainable criteria and practices in their value chain*. ​ ​

We published the first study in the country that investigates how Colombians understand the relationship between food and nature and we were part of the Great Food Puzzle, a study that proposes key actions at the national level that must be implemented to achieve sustainable food systems.



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*Supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

© WWF Colombia

WWF Colombia a reflection of courage, integrity, respect and collaboration

In our second year as National Office, we continued to implement improvements and strengthen management processes in order to enhance and strengthen key areas for the effective functioning of the organization.

We finalized the construction and updating of our Strategic Framework 2021-2030 with the help of the entire team and the Board of Directors.


We had the opportunity to meet again with the entire WWF Colombia team and with the participation of the President of the Board of Directors to build and strengthen ties with other colleagues, walk a collective path of learning, understand the achievements we reached in 2022 and plan our 2023. ​ ​

In response to the challenges identified in the Strategic Framework and its theory of change, we updated and strengthened our organizational structure. As a result, we incorporated and reinforced key capabilities in all organizational areas, in areas such as livelihoods and local economies, sector and corporate transformation, advocacy communications, human talent and operations, among others. Additionally, we are implementing new ways of working, such as the rotation of roles within teams and the incorporation of these in different areas, which allow us to take ownership of the processes and generate a culture of results-based work.​ ​


In the search for greater effectiveness and productivity in our work, we are in the process of transitioning to more modern operating systems that improve accountability procedures, efficiency and transparency, which is being addressed through change management and organizational culture.


In 2022, WWF Colombia achieved the diversification of its finances towards financial sustainability, strengthening innovative sources of income generation. In 2022, an investment of more than USD 13 million was reported, representing an increase of close to 11% over the previous year.​ ​


We strengthened our internal and external governance structure to guide and support the organization's development and improve decision-making processes, based on the consolidation of mature, integrated and guiding internal and external governance bodies. This year the Board of Directors, made up of 10 members with different profiles and expertise, supported and directed more closely the achievement of the organization's accomplishments, as well as the feedback of its different strategies. In addition, together with the Steering Committee, synergies were generated that have allowed knowledge management processes and the development of construction spaces for the organization's prospects. ​ ​


Today WWF Colombia has greater brand recognition and positioning among its key audiences. We are part of the 30 most recognized organizations in Colombia and we have more than 316,000 followers in our social networks. ​